
Monday, December 8, 2014

Prepare for CHANGE

Hey y'all! LONG time no post. As you might notice, I haven't posted anything new on this blog in ages, specifically almost two solid years. Up until recently, I've been getting comments on things that I've posted two or even three years ago, which really blew my mind! (Like, People still look at my stuff from when I was in middle school.) It's kind of crazy.

I started this blog in sixth, seventh grade, just intending for a small spot to store or log my patterns in case somebody asked for them, which happened often, like on Deviantart or on Facebook. And now, I'm in high school, with absolutely no time to devote my time to crocheting or regularly posting patterns. I mean, I didn't have time for crocheting even in eighth grade. So yeah--pretty good excuses, right? But I've checked back recently because of email notifications from comments (by the way, y'all anonymouses, you all rock! <3), and guess what? Almost 2,800 page views ever since the blog's first active day.

That's pretty cool. Thanks a lot. :)

And now, since I'm in high school and all mature and stuff (haha yeah no), I kind of cringed a lot at all my middle school things that I've implemented into this site. Really, I'm terribly self conscious when blogs or sites that I make look, well...bad. And I refuse to live with that.

Stay tuned, Warriors! I'm changing up this blog--let's see who's a real high schooler now.


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