
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angry red bird hat pattern

Angry birds are fun to play with and see and even wear! And angry bird hats are also cool. :D

Yarn -- red, black, white, yellow
Stuffing (for beak)
Sewing needle
Knowledge of embroidery (for beak)

sc: single crochet
inc: increase
fo: fasten off

Hat (in red)

You are going to crochet in the continual round, meaning that you are crocheting in a circle without slip stitches every row. And I advise you to place your yarn marker at the beginning of the round so you don't lose your spot!

Round 1: magic circle/ch 2 -- 12 single crochet (in ch 1 space)
Round 2: 1 sc around                                                  (12 sc)
Round 3: inc around                                                    (24 sc)
Round 4: 1 sc around                                                  (24 sc)
Round 5: [sc, inc] around                                            (36 sc)
Round 6: 1 sc around                                                  (36 sc)
Round 7: [sc, sc, inc] around                                       (48 sc)
Round 8: 1 sc around                                                  (48 sc)
Round 9: [sc, sc, sc, inc] around                                  (60 sc)
Round 10: 1 sc around                                                (60 sc)
Round 11: [sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                          (72 sc)
Round 12: 1 sc around                                                (72 sc)

(See the pattern? Inc row, 1 sc row, inc row, 1 sc row...) You can stop increasing whenever you want. If the hat is still not wide enough, keep increasing by adding one more sc before the increases. (ie: [sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around --->1 sc around ---> [sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around)

Eye (with white) (x2)

Round 1: [magic circle/ch 2 and in ch 1 space] 6 sc
Round 2: inc around                                                   (12 sc)

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Pupil (with black) (x2)

Round 1: [magic circle/ch 2 and in ch 1 space] 5 sc

Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.

Eyebrow (with black) (x2)

Row 1: ch 7, turn and 6 sc across, fo

Leave a long tail for sewing.

Beak (with yellow)

Round 1: ch 2, 3 sc in ch 1 space                                               (3 sc)
Round 2: inc around                                                                   (6 sc)
Round 3: [sc, inc] around                                                           (9 sc)
Round 4: [sc, sc, inc] around                                                     (12 sc)
Round 5: [sc, sc, sc, inc] around                                                (15 sc)
Round 6: [ sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                                          (18 sc)
Round 7: [sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                                      (21 sc)
Round 8: [sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                                (24 sc)
Round 9: [sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                           (27 sc)
Round 10: [sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around                    (30 sc)
Round 11: [sc, sc, sc, sc, s,c sc, sc, sc, sc, inc] around               (33 sc)

Once you're done with that, you can embroider the line of the mouth onto the beak, then stuff it.

Hair/feather/sticks on top of the head (with red)

#1: Round 1: [magic circle/ch 2 and in ch 1 space] 9 sc
      Round 2-9: 1 sc around
Fo, leaving a tail for sewing.

#2: Round 1: [magic circle/ch 2 and in ch 1 space] 7 sc
      Round 2-7: 1 sc around
Fo, leaving a tail for sewing.

P.S. Feel free to adjust the lengths or widths of anything if you feel it is necessary for you angry bird hat. :)


1) sew pupil to eye
2) sew eyebrow to eye
3) sew eyebrow and eye to face
4) sew beak to face (with stuffing in it)
5) sew feathers/hairs to top of head

And there you have it. An angry bird hat. :D

P.S. You can sell stuff from these patterns, however, you may not post patterns or pictures as your own. Thank you!